Types of Coffee Makers
What Type of Coffee Makers to use?
Types of Coffee Makers, when we think of the term ‘coffee maker’ we usually think of only one type of coffee maker. Usually what comes to mind, the drip style coffee maker or the espresso type machine. This all depends on your tastes in coffee and what region of the world you reside.
One type of coffee maker, disliked in certain parts of the world might be loved in another location. Some types of machines are quite old fashioned by today’s standards, but people love the old-style coffee makers for whatever their reason usually its the way the coffee is produced.

Why the Percolator Style Machines?
This is the case with the percolator style machines. There are two styles of percolator coffee makers, First, you have the stove top model and then the electric percolator. Both machines work the same, the percolator machine circulates boiling water over the coffee grounds then repeatedly through a metal filter.
One person will say that this makes a great cup of coffee while the next person will say this percolator coffee maker makes the most unpleasant coffee possible. The naysayers claim this machine creates a bitter tasting cup of coffee, doesn’t matter brand of machine or beans you use.

What are the Most Known Types of Coffee Makers?
The automatic drip coffee maker is the most known type of coffee machine. This coffee maker brews coffee by boiling water in a tank which transfers up into a coffee bin fitted with a filter and coffee grounds. The hot water seeps through the coffee and the filter in the bin and slowly falls into an awaiting carafe or pot.
These coffee machines usually come equipped with a heating element. This keeps the brewed coffee hot until the coffee is gone or another pot of coffee is needed. Most models are equipped with a thermal style carafe. The coffee drinker, can brew a pot of coffee and hold it in the carafe for coffee on the run.

Automatic drip coffee makers, the most widely used coffee machine by the American home coffee connoisseur. The automatic coffee maker, makes from one to usually ten cups of coffee at a time. There are also one cup automatic coffee makers. The automatic drip coffee maker uses disposable filters. The percolator style coffee machines do not use filters.

Is there More than One kind of Espresso Machine?
There are two versions of the espresso coffee machine. The stovetop and electric makers. The less expensive stove top model than the electric coffee maker. The stovetop espresso maker is highly portable, unlike the electric model, which has limits in portability because of size and need of electric power.
One negative to the stovetop espresso coffee machine is that it may leave tiny, very fine granules. You must master the techniques of the stovetop machine to get an incredible cup of coffee.

If your ready to go out and purchase your next Coffee Machine check out Amazon.com and choose from a huge variety of coffee makers, equipment and supplies. Let’s make that next cup of coffee the Best!!!!!